MAY # 9

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— May

Arab Uprisings and Impersonal Images
— Dork Zabunyan

The Language of Negation: From Montage to Détournement in the Situationist International
— Tom McDonough
“Malaise.” The Displacements of a Word
— Mica Gherghescu
Our Weirdness is Free
— Gabriella Coleman
Shit Happens: The Incredible Chronicle of OWS Yet Hardly Have Ye Begun to Fight
— Antek Walczak
This Way to the Cupcake Party
— Caroline Busta & Amy Yao

On Alex Bag and Patterson Beckwith’s, “Cash from Chaos/Unicorns & Rainbows”
— Robert McKenzie

On “Pacific Standard Time, Art in Los Angeles, 1950 – 1980”
— Karl Holmqvist
On Judith Hopf’s, “end rhymes and openings”
— Melanie Ohnemus
On Isa Genzken’s, “Die kleine Bushaltestelle”
— Karl Holmqvist

On David Douard’s, “Innerspace: Jean Comandon/David Douard”
— Benjamin Thorel

On Uncreative Writing by Kenneth Goldsmith
— Marwan Makki